Firstly: Lodging complaints & petitions to the Public Prosecution:
Such as complaints of fraud, scamming, breach of trust and forgery.

Second: Requests for mercy to the Attorney General:
It is a request submitted by concerned parties to the Attorney General directly via the Internet for exemption from decisions and rulings. Issued in criminal cases, especially deportation decisions and affirmative imprisonment.
Third: Applying for a financial/personal guarantee
It is the bail of the accused with a financial or personal guarantee determined by the prosecution or the court.
The case must still be pending before the Public Prosecution or the court.
Providing the bail amount in the case of a money bail
Providing the required guarantee in the event of a personal guarantee.
The customer must be registered with the Public Prosecution.

Fourthly: Financial services
a- Fine payment service.
It is a request to pay the fine amount issued pursuant to a ruling in a criminal case
b- Payment of the fine imposed in instalments.
A request submitted by the convict or his representative to pay the fine awarded by a court in instalments.
Fourthly: General services
a- exhumation a deceased body.
It is a request submitted by those concerned or the competent authorities to exhume the dead body
The application is submitted by the family of the deceased.
b- Receiving a deceased body:
is a request submitted by relatives of the deceased person: 1 Request to receive the body to security in the country / or to transport it outside the country, with the applicant’s data recorded? 2 The applicant’s data. 3. The identity of the deceased to receive the body of the deceased for burial or transfer it outside the country.
c- Issuing a certificate to whom it may concern:
It is a matter of issuing a case status applicant a data document about the case and its status, or the status of the accused person, or the status of the seizure of the passport document.
Determine the entity concerned with the certificate.
d- inmate confinement
It is a request submitted by the person concerned or his agent to present it to a specific party to be identified.
Hut Ziara is in pre-trial detention
C The smart visit to your hostel

Sixth: Photography services
1.Photocopy of the case file (required documents proving the service provider’s diagnosis only)
2. Photocopying the memorization decision
3. A copy of the judgment is a request submitted to obtain a copy of the judgment in the criminal case
4. A copy of the order stating that the required documents do not prove the identity of the service applicant)
5. Issuance of an order not to institute the criminal case in the case, provided that the order is issued and certified by the representative.